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Nowbella Image Consulting, is a multi-disciplinary organization which works in two areas: 1) provide image consulting solutions to personal and corporate clients, and 2) education of new international Image Consultants.

Our team is led by Image Consultants who are active members of AICI (Association of Image Consultants International) and founders of APLI (Latin American Association of Image Professionals). Further, our professional team includes highly qualified experts on emotional and social intelligence, nutrition, plastic surgery, facial and body aesthetics, personal and group, psychology, sexology, styling and makeup, among many other fields. 

Our main objective is to develop an IMAGE which reflects the natural and true essence of a person, product, or company by developing their own brand. 

Research studies clearly demonstrate that we have just 5 seconds to impress positively any individual who we just met. Hence, a good IMAGE will help us to socialize properly, build client loyalty, increase our customers base, and generate credibility.




2011 - 2013 Nowbella Image Consulting - All rights reserved